
18 Jul 2020 Back
Colored with Azpainter

// ------ Camera settings.
set translation [0 -0.367113 -20]
set rotation [0.963994 0.0575931 -0.259613 0.0514549 0.917418 0.394584 0.260899 -0.393735 0.881422]
set pivot [0 0 0]
set scale 0.03

// ------ The actual EisenScript
set background #fff
set maxdepth 600


rule r0 {

8 * { h 8 x 0 y 0 z 20 rz 0 s 0.8 hue 12 } R4

rule R4{
{ h 8 x 0 rz 15 rx 15 ry 0 x 5 y 30 s 1 hue 5 } R4
{ s 60 15 2 } box::shiny
// ----- Settings for internal raytracer

set raytracer::shadows false

// the number of samples controls the quality
// '6' means 6x6 samples per pixels, and is the default.
set raytracer::samples 6

// dof is depth-of-field.
// Use 'Edit | Show 3D Object Information' to find the correct plane
// comment the line below to disable this.
set raytracer::dof [0.23,0.07]

// Set materials either globally,
// or for a selected tag (e.g. 'shiny')
set raytracer::shiny::reflection 0.3
set raytracer::phong [0.5,0.6,0.2]